This is part of the series tinker like a boss (in psysh)

  1. tinker… what?
  2. includes
  3. casters (presenters)
  4. aliases
  5. http (and other) helpers
  6. wtf is this error?


You may find yourself in need of some handy shortcuts when tinkering. I often need to make an HTTP call or run a quick test request, that works exactly as the one you’d run in your Laravel tests.

Something like this should come in handy:


Using already mentioned .tinker include file or the global config for your psysh installtion, you can easily create such shortcuts all that you may need:


If you didn’t check it yet, here is the psysh config file that I prepared for you.

Enjoy and share your thoughts in the comments below or on twitter @SOFTonSOFA

Now is the time to go to your console, type $ php artisan tinker and follow along

Laravel – tinker like a boss with PsySH from Jarek on Vimeo.

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